
Robot projects page - Rasmus Friis Kjeldsen


Read about progress on my robot Ridgy on my blog:, and read here: for more on the software/algorithms.
I participated in RoboCup 2010 with it, and came in as number 8. I'm now implementing landmark recognition using OpenCV and Monte Carlo Localization to make the robot navigate in my house - Obvious usage: Please fetch a beer :-)

Master thesis: Robot Navigation

My master thesis page. The goal of the thesis is to have an autonomous mobile car-like robot with a map of its environment plan and follow a route from a given position to a given position.

Stargate developer board

See my experiences with the Stargate developer board.

RoboCup 2005

Here is a couple of pictures of my robot Murphy++. I wrote my master thesis in 2005, so there was not much time for the competition. By the way: I used the robot for both the competition and for my master thesis.
I came in as number 6 (of 24), and got mentioned in the press: Dansetrin og offroad på Robocup

Graduate project: Robotsim

robotsim.pdf: A written project on robot simulation.
The project describes how to simulate a car-like robot, and how to find the shortest path from one position p1 to another position p2 for a car-like robot. A position is defined as the triple of the cartesian coordinates (x,y) and the orientation o: p=(x,y,o).
The path finding algoritm is based on the work of L. E. Dubins: On curves of minimal length with a constraint on average curvature, and with prescribed initial and terminal position and tangents and J.A. Reeds & R.A. Shepp: Optimal paths for a car that goes both forward and backwards, and it points out and corrects several errors in the formulas stated by Reeds & Shepp.
Finally it solves the Point-to-Point Motion Task by letting the car-like robot follow the shortest path using several different path-following algoritms.
The text is in danish, but the figures/diagrams/formulas are understandable even if you dont read danish.

RoboCup 2004

Here is a picture. I came in as number 2 :-)

Graduate project: Robot Construction

robotkonstruktion.pdf: A written project on robot construction.
How to build a Microchip PIC-based robot controller, and how to attach sensors and motors to the controller. Large section on the Sharp GP2D02 IR Distance Measuring Sensor. The text is in danish, but the figures/diagrams are understandable even if you dont read danish.


A bootloader the PIC16F876 chip

A PIC based LEGO controller / RoboCup 2003

This controller later became part of my robot for my partition in the DTU Robocup 2003 competition. I came in as number 4 and won the prize for best design/effects.

A LEGO Mindstorms TV remote control robot

My LEGO Mindstorms remote control robot for my old tv, which doesn't have a remote control.

Bachelor project:

overkill.pdf - A written project on building a camera controlled robot for the Robocup 2002 robot competition. The text is in danish! We came in as number 12 of 16.
Here is a couple of movies, the robot took during the competition:
Final - First drive
Final - First drive processed
Final - Second drive
Final - Second drive processed

Find the middle

Oral graduate project on autonomous robots: Rasmus Friis Kjeldsen, Lars Bo Thulin, Martin Leopold: Find the middle, 2001

You can contact me on email at: rasmus (AT) reblag (DOT) dk