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PIC based LEGO controller 29-aug-2002
Progress since last:
- 3 light sensors, buildt into standard 2x2 black LEGO bricks. The light
sensors is connected to the analog inputs on the PIC, using 3 wires:
Vcc (red), GND (black) and signal (yellow). The sensors used is light
sensitive resistors. The reason I choosed them is that I already had some
lying around.
- The power supplys voltage can now be measured, using a voltage
divider and an analog input on the PIC.
- Two-way serial communication is implemented, using a SIPEX SP 232 ACP
serial line driver/reciever. Baud rate up to 115200.
- To save some output pins on the PIC I've added a HEF 4094 BP 8-stage
shift-and-store register. 4 pins on the PIC can control 8 output pins on
the HEF 4094, and more 4094s can be added in a cascade, not using more
pins on the PIC, but that will ofcause add to the time it takes to
shift out the values to the output pins.

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